Sunday, 28 July 2013

An even more beautiful join

Sometimes the join does just have the ECG running over it but also a trainer footprint.  Dont you just love technology when it works how you want it to?

And here is a second one

Friday, 12 July 2013

The empty spool

When I picked up the cloth from Hainsworth in Leeds I carried on to Madeira thread in Ripon.  Karen Burrows had kindly said that she could help me out with some thread for this project.  They let me loose in the sample boxes and I came away with a treasure trove of stuff. 
I knew that I would be after some of their Classic embroidery thread; good colour, great sheen, dependable to use.  Its lived up to its reputation.  It sits on the woollen cloth and looks gorgeous; the texture of them both looks great.
So as you can imagaine I am eating up the thread at a fair ol' rate.  Give the size of the embroidery I had picked up 5,000m cops.  This is my first one empty; a black Classic.  However there are two reds looking pretty skinny and a white on the slender side.  I reckon I will easily have used more than 18 miles once the piece is finished and thats not including the bobbin fill.

Monday, 8 July 2013

the most beautiful join in the world

When you stitch out 48 separate embroideries each 20 cms in length and each one joining up to the one before to two separate pieces of lovely British woollen cloth and when you  then seam them together and press the seam flat and hoop  the cloth up, when you do all that and the gap between the two lengths of stitch  is exactly the size of the embroidery that you have programmed to go in between,  then you have the most beautiful join in the world.