Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Dialogues with Quilt Art

The first work to come from the ‘Error bred in the bone’ project at the Biological Anthropological Research Centre at Bradford University went on public display at Textilmuseum Max Berk, Heidelberg, Germany as part of the Quilt Art exhibition ‘Dialogues’.  The piece above is based on an x-ray of a pelvis with Paget’s disease, a debilitating and degenerative condition and an extract of Wallace Stevens’ poem ‘A postcard from the volcano’.

The show looked fabulous and is accompanied by a full colour catalogue with essays about each member by critic and curator Dr Susan Marks. You can order a copy of the catalogue here http://quiltart.eu/quiltartpublicat.html

Not going to be in Heidelberg before the 2nd of August……don’t worry the show comes to the Quilt Museum in York, UK 11th September – 31st August.  There are other dates for this shows tour and its smaller sister show ‘Small talk’ here http://quiltart.eu/quiltartvenues.html