So what does this ECG data look like? Well the image above my pre-exercise heart rate. You'll see from the numbers in the top right hand corner that it says my heart rate is 68 bpm. I have quite a slow heart rate, sometimes its a bit lower than that usually around the 60bpm as any of you who follow my work will know. If you haven't seen my work before you might want to read about my piece '60 beats a minute' here.
Now there are three wiggly lines because there are three leads each measuring electrical activity from different angles as the heart beats. This is me wired up and ready to go. Yes, I did feel a bit of a Charlie.
It was strange having all these wires attached but if truth be told it didn't really affect how I ran. I really tried to push myself as much as I could. I had been doing some fast runs in prep although I am not fast. I was hammering it trying to do between 7-8 minute miles. I couldn't keep it up. In many ways it was about my thinking rather than my legs that let me down. I was thinking 'I cant keep this up' rather than 'my legs have gone. I am going to fall over'. If you know anything about running you'll know some people would consider that a jog. I don't. This is what running like that was doing to my heart.
171bpm; lots to work with.